Sunday, January 4, 2015

An Apple A Day

     Well my at home PT is been going pretty good.  So far she is just having me do three 1 minute sets of 4 different stretches three times a day followed up with some foam rolling.  I am trying not to let my inability to run to continue to get me down.  All I am focused on is doing everything my therapist asks me to do in hopes that I will be able to start training for the Glass City Marathon event at the end of April.  It is not what I would recommend as a proper training plan but for me it is all I got.  As far as actual running goes my therapist has only allowed me to run one to two miles at a time as long as I have no pain and though she didn't say she didn't want me running I got the impression that I should keep my running attempts to a minimum till she tells me otherwise.  My hope is by the start of February I'll be back to running regularly and can add some real mileage, but I am not holding myself to a timeline.  March and early April is when I really have to ramp up the mileage if I am to have any hope to completing the race.

     I wanted to share a small victory I had recently.  I haven't really talked much about my nutrition and I promise I will, but this was a big moment for me.  Now I am not a fruit or vegetable guy; in fact I am a self proclaimed meat-eterian, almost the complete opposite of a vegetarian.  Pretty much potatoes were the only vegetable I ate and if I was eating pizza then the tomato sauce was the closest I ever got to eating a tomato.  Yeah I know.
     Well maybe a year ago it was a big deal for me when I added spinach to my diet, so the other day I got the "What?" look from Mandy when I asked her to get me an apple while she was at the store.  I don't know why I wanted to try one but I did.  She ended up getting a bag of them and it took me a few days to get up the nerve to try one and when I did I only ate about a 1/4 of a 1/4 of it and that's it.  A few days later I gave it another shot and ate a whole 1/4 this time.  Both times the apple was at room temperature and I didn't really like it a whole lot.

     See I have what I believe to be some sort of a psychological block when it comes to this stuff.  Whether its the taste, consistency or the crunch it makes when eating it I start to get a little bit of an anxiety attack and feel like I want to throw up.  For example, years ago I was at a Skyline Chili in Dayton, Ohio and got a couple of chili cheese dogs.  I asked for no onions, but when they arrived on my table, hidden under the cheese was fresh diced onions.  I took a bite and heard the crunch of the onion and immediately knew what it was.  I had to spit it out and almost threw up from a severe anxiety attack.  I know a lot of this is all in my head and I don't know why I let it get to me, but it is just the way I am built.  If you wanna hear something funny, after I graduated college I was looking for a job in my field and to pay the bills I was working in a produce department at a local grocery store.  Me!  A self proclaimed meat-etarian working in a produce department.
     Anyway, back to the apple.  A few days later I took one to work and left it in the fridge all day and forgot to try it at lunch so I grabbed it for the drive home.  This time it was nice and cold and no cutting this one, I just bit right in.  It was so much better cold!  I got through about half of it and decided to call this try quits, but I liked it and I am gonna try it again that way. 

     I know this may sound stupid to many of you, I mean shit its just an apple, but this was a huge deal for me.  When I started this weight loss journey I made changes to my diet that I could live with and was healthier than what I was eating.  Now I feel like I am pretty much at that maintenance period of my journey and I want to explore some other foods that I have never tried or tried and didn't like previously.  Hey you never know what I might end up liking. 


  1. I can so relate to this, Dean. I like fruit (except melon) but I have the same reaction with a lot of vegetables. Good job giving it a shot. You might want to try the pre-sliced apples too - sometimes just having them cut up, cold, and ready to go is the ticket. I like to buy them from Costco...a bit pricey...but so is crappy food too and my health and getting something "natural" into it is worth it sometimes. Sounds like you are making good progress with PT. I am so hopeful for you that you'll get back to your kick-ass speedy self in no time!

  2. Not dumb at all Dean! I'm not a huge apple fan either. Try a COLD Pink Lady. They are a bit pricey but by far, my favorite!

  3. Awesome, Dean! I have to admit, I've never really understood how people don't want to try new things... I LOVE trying new foods, even if I've tried them several times and didn't like them. But my sister is like you are with the fruits and veggies, and she refuses to taste them. Noah doesn't like to try new things either, but I make him often. A couple of times, he actually threw up at the table because he didn't like the texture of the food. That made me realize that there was something real to his "fear" of trying new foods. I try to be more understanding now. Anyway, I think it's awesome that you are trying new things!

  4. I will second the Pink Lady comment, those apples are the best! That is also the reason they are probably usually the most expensive. If the red delicious is the Bud Light of apples, then a Pink Lady is like a quality microbrew. Good job facing your fears, that's awesome! Apples are totally better cold too!

  5. Good for you for trying new foods! I don't mind trying new things, but I agree with you on raw onions. I have about the same reaction and I don't know why.

    I agree with the pink lady apples. And if you can find them in season Honeycrisp apples are heaven! I don't buy apples anymore unless they are pink lady or honeycrisp.

    1. Sounds like from you and others on here that pink ladies are the apple of choice. Thanks for the suggestion! I also check out the honeycrisp as well.

  6. Cold fruit and veg have a milder flavor across the board!

    From one picky eater to another might I suggest watermelon or cucumber (probably with the skin peeled off)? Both are super 'clean' and mild flavored water practically. Besides carrots, cucumber was one of the first veggies I tolerated.

  7. Thanks Emily! I think I'll give watermelon a try as well. I mean how could I not like it, I chew a ton of Extra watermelon flavored gum!!
