Well this weekend played host to a lot of races around the
country, but one in particular I was wishing I was at, but instead I was at
work. The Indy Mini Marathon, the
largest half marathon in the US
with something like 35,000 registered participants and home to my Ragnar Sole
Mates reunion was going on. Around nine
months or so ago Katie came up with a great idea to have a reunion for our Strangers to Sole Mates Ragnar team and thought
that Indy would make a great spot for it. Unfortunately five of the twelve were not able
to make it, but for the seven of us that could planning moved forward.
I registered, paid
my $85 and booked my hotel while counting the days till I got to introduce
Mandy to them and got to run one of my bucket list races. For those that don't know, part of this race is run on the track of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway and whether you are a race car fan or not, getting to do that is pretty darn cool. Whether it was fate or karma, three months
before the race the marketing staff at my work moved the dates of a very
important three day event to the same weekend as the race. Needless to say as a manager this required me
to be in attendance for the event and cancel my vacation. First I was pissed that I wasn’t going to be
able to hang out with my friend then the idea of wasting money on the
registration fee and missing out on the race quickly added to my frustrations. I let my Sole Mates know that I was now the sixth member not able to attend.
As the race drew
closer I held out hope that I was going to somehow be able to go, I even waited
to cancel my hotel reservation until two weeks ago. It was around this time I thought I can’t run
the race, but Indy isn’t that far for me and maybe I can figure out how to
still at least see everyone for just a little bit. From my work, Indy is about a two and a half
hour trip, so looking at my schedule I thought I could shoot out of work Saturday,
drive to Indy, visit with everyone and get back by eleven the next morning to
work the third day. I wanted it to be a
surprise, but I also didn’t want to drive all the way there and have to figure
out where they were all at, so I emailed Katie to let her know of my plans. It was at that time she let me know that our
teammate Hilary was now able to make the race and was flying in to surprise
everyone as well!
Saturday came and
at first I was so bummed because I was seeing all the great pictures of all the fun they
were all having on Facebook while I was working, but none the less I would be
seeing them in a few short hours. My
boss was nice enough to allow me to slide out an hour early, so I
texted Katie, hopped on my motorcycle and I was on my way.

Well as they say I hate to eat and run, but I really had to hop on the bike and head back so I could make it to work on time. So after this long winded post, I can sum it up with what I posted on Facebook:
8 long hours followed by a 187 mile ride to spend a few short hours
with my Ragnar Sole Mates before getting up at 6:45am to ride 187 miles
back so I could work another 6 hours. #totallyWorthIt
Seeing you come in that door Saturday night was one of the highlights of the trip for me. I'm so glad you could find a way to get down to meet up with us - and that all of it was "totallyWorthIt". Hope to see you and finally meet Mandy in AZ before too long.
ReplyDeleteI love everything about this post! That was SUCH a fun surprise. Glad it was worth it!