Thursday, May 19, 2016

I've Got A Plan

     Yeah so things have been a little crazy around here with the addition of our new puppy, Jax, and this being the start of our busy season at work.  As you read in my last post surgery update, the doctor has released me from any further follow ups and now I can look to the future.  

     Last Wednesday I went in to see my physical therapist to create my plan for the rest of the year, so I can get back to running marathons and beyond.  When I got there, we sat down and talked about what I would like to accomplish.  I talked about obviously wanting to run a marathon again and wanting to look towards at least one ultra marathon.  I also mentioned that I wanted to do a trail race at some point, and she brought up the race at Oak Openings park.  They have a 25K and 50K race on the trails through the park.  We both felt that my first priority should be to get my strength back and build a good solid running base before I tackle a full or an ultra marathon.  I decided to run the 25K (15.5 miles) race and possibly a half marathon as well this year and I am officially announcing that I WILL run the 2017 Glass City Marathon in April.

     How I will get there is a strength and running plan that is set in a 4 week rotation.  The strength training will be done at home with resistance bands and body weight exercises that we went over during my appointment.  Running will be done through the usual combination of recovery, long, tempo, interval and hill runs.  Weeks 1-3 I increase the length of the long run and raise the intensity of the other runs, while week 4 I cut everything down to a nice light recovery week, to reset for the next 4 week circuit.

So my plan will go as follows
Monday - Upper body
Tuesday - Lower body
Wednesday - Long run + Upper body
Thursday - Recovery run + Lower body
Friday - Tempo run
Saturday - Rest day
Sunday - Hills or Intervals

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