We arrived on the campus of the University of Toledo and instantly we could tell the expo was packed. We walked in and were immediately met by two volunteers asking us questions and directing us where we needed to go. We headed right over to the info booth to meet the other ambassadors, volunteers and to get our instructions for the afternoon. When the shift change happened, Mandy and I decided to relieve the "greeters" that welcomed us. For racers to pick up their packets they needed their race bib numbers, so we were asking them if they new their numbers yet. The ones that did we directed into the expo area and the ones that didn't we directed them over to the tables where the Racejoy app table was set up so they could look up their bib numbers.
During our shift I saw a few people I recognize from other events around Toledo, my best friend's cousin who was running her first half marathon, but what really did it for me was when a reader stop to say hello. This was the first time a reader of my blog has ever said something to me in person, and to hear someone who is fighting the same battle as I am say "I read your blog all the time and you are such an inspiration" just totally floored me. In that moment I was consumed with such emotion I could hardly say anything and to be honest I can't remember exactly what was said, so if I didn't say it I wanted to say congrats on the weight loss and let him know that I really appreciated him saying hello. What you have accomplished is amazing and you should be so proud! Keep up the hard work and now I'll add, hope you had a great race on Sunday. He had told me that he has lost over 185 pounds and thanked me for writing my blog. Sorry I didn't get a picture with him, I wasn't really thinking clearly at that moment.
***Warning, quick side note***
I started this blog with the intentions of paying it forward for those that need the inspiration that I needed and got while I was loosing the weight. In the digital age when people write to me or comment on Facebook it means a lot to me, but for the first time it truly became real to me when I shook the guys hand. Nothing means more to me than knowing that I am able to help someone like the Fat to Finish Line crew did for me.
***Ok, back to our regularly scheduled program***

It was getting late and the dogs had been alone almost all day so we wanted to get home and play with them so we could get them tired out before bed, so we said our goodbyes and headed home. Mandy and I got our clothes laid out and I got all my tech gear ready for the morning. Thankfully the dogs settled down and we were able to get to bed at a decent time, considering we had to be up at 4:30am so we could be out the door by 5:15am. Wow, can you believe I use to hate getting up early and could sleep till one in the afternoon like it was no big deal.
The exciting conclusion of Running in the Fat lane's
2015 Glass City Marathon Race Recap, next time!
Same fat time, same fat channel!
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